Conference Sign Up

Calling all fire, police, EMT, and emergency service leaders – bolster your department’s mental health support. Join us  for expert-led sessions, networking opportunities, and a chance to explore innovative resources tailored for those working in high-stress public safety roles.

At Alli Connect, you’ll gain actionable strategies to build psychological resilience within your workforce and implement proactive mental health initiatives. With specialized tracks for firefighters, law enforcement, EMTs, dispatchers, chaplains, and agency leaders, our comprehensive program addresses the distinct challenges each discipline faces.

Must-attend sessions include:

Recognizing & Responding to Trauma Exposure – Equip your personnel with tools for processing acute trauma with psychological first aid training and peer support implementation.

Breaking the Stigma & Burnout Cycle – Overcome cultural barriers to mental health care through education, policy reforms, and employee assistance program optimization.

The Resilient Responder Household – Explore family support systems, relationship counseling resources, and strategies for work/life balance.

Emerging Tech & Treatment for PTSD/Moral Injury – Discover cutting-edge solutions like virtual reality therapy, psychedelic medicine approaches, and more.

Don’t let your agency’s psychological safety lag – make mental resilience a priority by joining us.